Who we are

We are driven by passion

Blue Almond deals with branding, marketing and events.
We have gained a big part of our almost twenty years of experience, by developing projects for sport on the international and national arena. We link sport, funs and business to create common experiences and unforgettable emotions, because… customers buy experiences, not just the product itself.

How can we be useful for Your Company

What we do

We believe in common goal

Our company builds and grows partnerships between sport and brand. A well thought out, long term and planned cooperation brings value to all parties.
We stand by the client’s side strengthening his business activities, designing distinctive and specific marketing solutions, turning expectations into result.

Challenge – Competences - Solution

Let’s talk about how we can be useful for Your Company

Creative Competences

We are passionate about future

We bring innovations into the sports world that attract attention and engage, bringing together athletes, brands and fans. We combine creative concept with a real effect, using multimedia solutions
The world has become largely digital – communication, empathy and engagement take place more and more often with the participation and even through electronic solutions, platforms of widely understood entertainment, cooperation, creation.
That is why we operate in line with the principle of „feel & think differently” – we design solutions that support building trust and partnership relations.

Our projects

Effects don’t arise without trust. Long-term partnerships, as well as specific projects are a consequence of listening to each other, following a set direction and bold visions.